Author Archives: amthresh

Roberto D Sainz, Ph.D.

Professor, Animal Science Education B.S., Animal Science, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, 1982. M.S., Animal Science, University of California, Davis, 1984. Ph.D., Nutrition, University of California, Davis 1986. Research Interest Research in my laboratory is focused on ruminant livestock production, across a wide spectrum of levels of detail. Projects range from basic cellular aspects of interactions among nutrition, genetics and physiological state, all the way to regional studies of environmental impacts of different production systems. Tools are chosen to fit the […]

Angela Thresher

Graduate Student, M.S. International Agricultural Development B.S. in Animal Science/Pre-veterinary Medicine from Washington State University in 2009 Originally from Cashmere, WA Projects: Contracted with USAID EMA teacher training in Dondon, Haiti July 2015 Army Animal Husbandry Training with UC Davis Animal Science Department, March 2016 Peace Corps Volunteer, Malawi 2012-2014 USDA-ARS Moscow, ID 2011-2012 WSU Veterinary School 2009-2010 WSU Beef Center Student Herdsman 2007-2009 WSU Cougar Cattle Feeders Secretary 2007-2008