
ANS 144. Beef Cattle and Sheep Production

(4) III.Sainz. Lecture-3 hours; laboratory-3 hours; one or two Saturday field trips. Prerequisite: course 41, Animal Genetics 107, Nutrition 115, or consent of instructor: a course in Range Science and a course in microcomputing are recommended. Genetics, physiology, nutrition, economics and business in beef cattle and sheep production. Resources used, species differences, range and feedlot operations. Emphasis on integration and information needed in methods for management of livestock enterprises.

ANS 198. Production Animal Laboratory Course

(4) I. Sainz. Lecture/discussion – 1 hour; laboratory – 3 hours. Course Goals: To provide the student with information and skills needed for developing and conducting research with production animals, as well as interpreting and presenting the results obtained.

ABG 298. Advanced Nutritional Energetics

(2) III.Sainz. Lecture-2 hours. Prerequisite: Animal Biology 102, 103, Meurobiology, Physiology and Behavior 101 or the equivalent. History of nutritional energetics. Evaluation of energy transformations associated with food utilization. Energy expenditures at cellular tissue, and animal levels as affected by diet and physiological state. Current and future feeding systems.

NUT 254. Applications of Systems Analysis in Nutrition

(3) II. Offered in alternate years. Sainz. Lecture-2 hours; dicsussion-1 hour. Prerequisite: Nutrition 202, Physiological Sciences 205A-205B or the equivalent. Quantitative aspects of digestion and metabolism; principles of systems analysis. Evolution of models of energy metabolism as applied in current feeding systems. Critical evaluations of mechanistic models used analytically in support of nutritional research.